The design is all new, the title page and the font.
This is all Troi's doing. He succeeded in convincing me to agree to remove the frame around. In fact I did not agree, he just did it. Now it is right there, no in-between your table or your hands and the magazine itself. It is there! NO threshold.
I am totally in love with the new design. And I hope you will be, too.
Now it is really worthwhile subscribing to it in order to have the real thing in your hands. It feels good and it is great to read. It made me cry a lot though - but emotions go a lot through crying at first it seems, like a clearing step.
It took us a little longer to re-create it all. It even went through a whole crisis, as I wanted to stop doing it altogether. But Troi can be very stubborn, and he convinced me that when I am lacking love and motivation, he provides it, after all.
We might not have a marriage in the sexual, reproductive, romantic, sensual sense - and the first text is about that. I wrote it, he edited one or two mistakes but did not add anything, does this mean he agrees?
We have these past weeks for the first time addressed these things instead of yelling or slamming doors or rushing out - I do these things - he only falls silent. Often men do that, and then they cheat in all kinds of ways. Women are more prone to anger, although the general idea of a woman's energy is receiving and of a man is giving. But these yin and yang principles only apply to the sensual interaction perhaps. I have no idea.
The thing with perception is observation and as in science we compare things. But this is all nothing but trying out and watching and going on trying to survive one day after the other and being grateful for every new moment that comes along.
We have Ronald Barazon, Manon Durier and Van Troi Tran as authors this time. And all the rest is filled by me.
enjoy and cry -
and please do subscribe
in the store
You are all doing a great job
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